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HP Media Manager

Media Manager module is a module for easy management of files and folders. With this Media Manager Module, owners will get convenience such as drag and drop in uploading files or folders.


Pre Install

  • Please follow pre install section here if you haven't proceed one before:
  • After completing the above steps, you can proceed with the installation as follows:

NB: You can disable base theme modification after installation.



  1. Extract the HP Media Manager module, making sure to get a * file. Extraction results may vary, make sure it ends in
  2. Navigate to Extensions page → Extension Installer, then upload a file named * from the extract earlier.
  3. Access the Extension menu → modification. Then click the Refresh button at the top right, as shown in the following image.
  4. Navigate to page System → Users → User Groups → Click the Edit Button for Administrators. Click Select All in Access Permissions and Modify Permissions.
  5. Access the Media menu
  6. HP Media Manager will appear as shown below

How to Upload Files in Media Manager

After the installation is complete, let's try uploading files with HP Media Manager, in the upload experiment below I will upload 3 image files at once.

  1. After opening the Media Manager page, right mouse click → upload files. The file upload button can also be accessed in the row of buttons above it. klik kanan upload files media manager
  2. Then a dialog like the following will open, click Select files to upload a file or Select a folder to upload a folder and files in it, I will click Select files .
    select files media manager
  3. Please select the files you want to upload, if there are many files uploaded, please mark them one by one, if so, please press Enter/ Click the OK button.pilih file upload media manager
  4. The process of uploading 3 files will appear like this, please wait until the process is complete.

This is a guide for installing and using the HP Media Manager module in the Opencart online store. Thank you very much

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