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HP Map Location

HP Map Location is an Opencart module that is used to add location map input to customer address.


Pre Install

  • Please follow pre install section here if you haven't proceed one before:
  • After completing the above steps, you can proceed with the installation as follows:

NB: You can disable base theme modification after installation.



  1. Download and extract the Mobile Address Settings module.
  2. Access Installer Extension, Extension → Installer.
  3. Upload file: on the extracted HP Map Location.
  4. Wait until the process is complete.
  5. Install by: Access to the module page. Click install and edit on HP Map Location
  6. Validate Store

Create Google Map API Key

  1. Go to the link :
  2. Click the button CREATE PROJECT
  3. Input your project name on Project Name field and then click CREATE buton
  4. Setup billing by click Billings on sidebar menu
  5. Click ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES on menu Enables APIs & Services
  6. Select Maps Javascript API and then click Enable. After that click Manage.
  7. Goto menu Keys & Credentials and click Create Credentials and select API KEY
  8. Click details on new API Key and click Edit API Key
  9. Follow the configuration in the picture below and click Save
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