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HP Wallet System

HP Wallet System is an extension that will act as digital wallet features on your OpenCart online store.

Here how to install it.


Pre Install

  • Please follow pre install section here if you haven't proceed one before:
  • After completing the above steps, you can proceed with the installation as follows:

NB: You can disable base theme modification after installation.



1. Download and extract the HP Wallet System module.

> You will find file. Then:

2. Access Extension Installer, Extension → Installers.

3. Upload file: * file.

4. Wait until the process is complete.

5. Go to menu System > Users > User Groups. Then select a User Group and click Select All under Access Permission and Modify Permission.

6. Access Extension → modification. Refresh Modification.  Then you can access E-Wallet in menu.

7. Install by: Access to the modules page. Click install and edit on HP Wallet System.


8. Enable Wallet as Payment Method
> Go to Extension :: Extension :: Payments.
> Enable HP E-Wallet Payment method
> And set proper order status when customer paid by wallet 100% or partially paid by wallet.

enable the wallet as payment method on opencart


9. Last but not least : make sure credit total extension enabled.
> Go to Extension :: Extension :: Totals
> Make sure "Credit" extension is enabled.



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