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File Media Manager OpenCart

File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
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File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart
File Media Manager OpenCart

HP Media Manager for OpenCart - Manage All Files and Media on your Store

  • This extension will help you managing all files, file and media on you OpenCart store.
  • It provides special page to manage, upload, download, view, delete, organize any media on your system.
  • Along with several urgent features when adding product image. Eg: Insert multiplace image at once, remember last visited folder, etc.




  • Enhance default OpenCart file manager : that will open last visited folder.
  • Insert multiple images at once when inserting images in product form
  • Remember last visited folder
  • Enhanced UI
  • Special page to manage all available media on your system with multiple handy features like drag n drop.
  • Setting Image compression and allowed file mime types
  • image manager button in the product list for easy access
  • More features coming up.


â—ˆ Special File Manager Features

1. Special Page to manage File/Image Manager

  • This page will allows you in doing media management such as organizing images and folders, searching, and so on with enhanced user experience.
  • You can immediately manage files or folders in realtime with an attractive appearance, so you will have no difficulty in doing these activities.

special page to manage file and media in opencart


Among Dedicated File Manager Features for OpenCart

-- Toogle List and Thumb View
In addition you can also change the file and folder capture in the form of a list or thumb view just by using the toggle button. This makes it very easy for you because it is like a file that is contained on your computer.

-- Trash System
The File/Image Manager also provides a Trash System feature where we can delete files and what we have deleted will go into the trash. So when you accidentally delete a file or folder there is no need to be afraid because it can be restored. There is also an Empty Trash feature which is used when you want to permanently delete files or folders in the trash.

-- Rename File and Folder
In this File/Image Manager, it has a feature is used to do Rename File and Folder in realtime, just click the file or folder then press the rename icon, then you can immediately change it.

-- Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop feature can make it easier for you when you want to upload multiple files or folders. Just drag and drop your files or folders already uploaded!

-- Preview Image
With the Image Preview feature, it will be easier for you when you want to check whether the image to be used is correct or not.

-- Image Search
In addition, Image Search feature is also provided to make it more efficient in finding an image.

-- Sort Files

In addition to the search feature, you can sort images to make it easier to find images

-- Much More

2. Access Image Media Manager Setting

  • You can access the settings page by clicking the settings button provided

  • You can edit the list of mime types that are allowed to upload.
  • Enable image compression and its compression level

3. Enhance Default OpenCart File Manager

  • Insert multiple images at once when inserting images in product form
  • Remember last visited folder
  • Enhanced UI

add Image button - file manager opencart


insert multiple image on opencart file manager

4. Drag and Drop Feature

  • Drag and drop feature on OpenCart default file manager

drag and drop feature on file manager opencart

Much More

  • Check out the demo for other features







File Media Manager OpenCart

Single Domain License


Online Documentation

Multi-lingual Support


Override Core Files


Latest Version v1.1.6.3 (10 February 2025)

Every purchase of an OpenCart module at HPWD you automatically get:

  • Free up to 12 months
  • Free installation on your OpenCart website
  • Free Technical support up to 12 months

See technical support terms: Support Policy

(*) Installation might be charged for complex extension such as social media integration, API setup, etc.

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