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G Payment Global Bank Transfer Information with Geo Location OpenCart

G Payment Global Bank Transfer Information with Geo Location OpenCart
-60 %

G Payment :  Is advanced Bank Transfer payment extension with Geo Location Feature

Imagine you had customers from different countries. And you need to get them specific bank transfer information.

Either based on zone or country.

This extension will answer your expectation of dynamic bank transfer information with Geo Location Feature.

How G Payment Works

  • G payment work by detecting customer country origin
  • A bank transfer information can be related into certain zone : which can include a specific country or countries.
  • Bank transfrer information shown to customer will be based on related country zone

Main settings

G payment settings use geozone settings provided by default.

geozone-list-on- as base to add specific payment information opencart

You can select country and zone here

g payment - geo zone setting that cover countries

Then open G payment settings, you can navigate to the menu Hp Web Design  > G Payment or go to Extension > payment > G Payment. If it is already there you will see the settings as below.

navigate-to-global-payment-settings opencart

To enable G Payments in the store, you need to change the status to enable.

global-payment-main-settings 1 opencart

and this is for setting geozone you can fill in different instructions for each zone

global-payment-main-settings 2 opencart


Example of How it Works

In this example, I will try to use a VPN, so that the G payment system detects that I am in the UK.

When on the checkout page and in the payment methods section I selected Global Payments, then clicked continue button.


So on the order confirmation page, G Payment will automatically detect my location in the UK and display the bank instructions for the UK zone.

Even after clicking confirm, G payment information in the order info in the admin and customer will also be adjusted to the customer's area zone when ordering.


Compatibility with HPWD modules

If you previously purchased our modules System Enhancer For Sales And Productivity and HP Professional Email Template. G payment can also display instruction information according to the zone on the module.

Checkout Success feature on System Enhancer For Sales And Productivity module


Email Order feature on HP Professional Email Template module

global-payment-information-in-email opencart

Check out the demo for more details and see other features

G Payment Global Bank Transfer Information with Geo Location OpenCart
Every purchased extension is automatically included with FREE installation service.

Single Domain License


Online Documentation

Multi-lingual Support


Override Core Files


Every purchase of an OpenCart module at HPWD you automatically get:

  • Free up to 12 months
  • Free installation on your OpenCart website
  • Free Technical support up to 12 months

See technical support terms: Support Policy

(*) Installation might be charged for complex extension such as social media integration, API setup, etc.

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