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F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog

F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
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F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog

F Blog : Advanced OpenCart Blog

  1. A complete solution for OpenCart blogging feature
  2. Generic features: post management, post categories, comment management, author, etc.
  3. Special features added for more customer engagement, like disqus comment, send post notification to all customers via email
  4. Customers can send and publish their own posts
  5. With scheduled notification (cooming soon)
  6. Create table of content on each post.
  7. Category List module
  8. Popular post module
  9. Latest blog module : can be placed on home page.
  10. Much more.


F Blog OpenCart Concepts

The extension contains 4 main features:

1. Blog Post

  • Allow admin to post public articles

2. Post Categories & Comments

  • Allows web visitor to navigate various articles easily and interact with commenting

3. Additional Modules to Present Post

  • Includes separate dedicated modules for displaying article categories, latest, and most popular articles
  • Customizable placement of each modules

4. Email Notification Sender

  • Send notification emails for selected articles to customers
  • Customizable email template
  • Notification email can be scheduled


F Blog OpenCart Key Features

Manage Blog post
Manage Post categories
Manage Post comments 
Customers can submit posts
There is a moderation system for selecting customer posts
Comments feature can be integrated with
Customize color theme according to your website theme
There are settings to customize the appearance of articles
Send notification emails for selected articles to all customers : more engagement
Schedule article notification emails, which will later be sent to all customers
Customize email notification templates
Schedule the publication of articles so that they can only be shown in the future
There is an additional module to display article categories, latest articles, and most popular articles, by setting them in the Design > Layout menu.
Media commerce: Features add related products for each article, to increase sales



1. Frontend View

  • The following is an example of an article list page display, customers can access it on the blog menu on the top menu.
  • There is an article search feature
  • On the right, there are category blogs and popular blogs, these are the support modules that have been added to the layout design

  • The following is an example of an article page display
  • There is a related blog section, which is a list of articles belonging to the same category
  • There is a related product section whose list you can edit in the form of an article, hopefully it can increase sales
  • There is a built-in comment form, in this section if you use disqus the default comment form will be changed to the disqus comment form

2. Manage All Articles

  • You can see all your articles here
  • There are many features that can be accessed here, including adding articles, editing articles, viewing articles, searching for articles, deleting articles, and sending article email notifications to all customers

all blog post on F Blog opencart

  • In the article form you can fill in the content and images of the article, the author, publication date, notification schedule, related products and others.
  • CK Editor 4 added for more convenient editing
  • For more details, please try the web demo

add new blog post on ck editor 4 F Blog opencart


3. Manage All Categories

  • You can see all your categories here
  • There are many features that can be accessed here, including add category, edit category, view category, and delete category

  • On the category form you can fill in the name and description of the category, images, and more. For more details, please try the web demo

4. Manage All Comments

  • You can see all comments submitted by customers here
  • You can delete or disable comments so they don't appear in related articles
  • If you use disqus comments then the comments list page will redirect you to

5. Module Design Layout

  • This module also includes supporting modules to display article categories, latest articles, and most popular articles, by setting them in the Design > Layout menu.
  • With this you can put these supporting modules on any page you want

6. Customers Can Publish Posts

  • Your customers can send and publish their own posts
  • When logged in, customers can access the post management page through the provided menu
  • The menu display is a Customer Blog module, so you need to add the Layout Design module to display it
  • There are email notifications to admins and customers when customers make posts, you can edit the contents of the email in the email template settings

7. Customer Post Moderation

  • Customer posts will not appear on your site, there needs to be an approval selection on the admin page to display articles publicly, this is so that all subscribers can comply with the policies on your site
  • The moderation process will be repeated when the customer edit a previously approved post
  • There is an email notification to the customer if the post is approved, you can edit the contents of the email in the email template settings


8. Module Settings

General Settings

  • You can activate and deactivate the module
  • Customize color theme according to your website theme
  • In addition to the default comment system you can replace it with the comment system, including the shortname disqus
  • You can customize the SEO and appearance of the article.

general blog setting opencart


Email Template Settings

  • For blog post email notification purpose:
  • There are email display settings that you can adjust, this form supports template code if you want to use system data.
  • Send email directly from your email server

Much More
See demo for another feature

F Blog - Advanced OpenCart Blog
Every purchased extension is automatically included with FREE installation service.

Single Domain License


Online Documentation

Multi-lingual Support


Override Core Files


Every purchase of an OpenCart module at HPWD you automatically get:

  • Free up to 12 months
  • Free installation on your OpenCart website
  • Free Technical support up to 12 months

See technical support terms: Support Policy

(*) Installation might be charged for complex extension such as social media integration, API setup, etc.

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